The Mindset, Habits, and Patterns of Growth


Jason Arriaga, Certified Insurance Counselor and Certified Personal Risk Manager

If you’re all about growth, this episode with Jason Arriaga is for you! Jason is an entrepreneur, Insurance Counselor and Risk Manager. Find out the secrets and ways to unlock your great potential in entrepreneurship.

Here are the golden nuggets for this episode:

Lesson #1: Finding The Bigger Pond

When you are the biggest fish in the pond, and you are in your comfort zone, you stop growing. It’s very nice to be in your comfort zone, but it gets boring and you risk becoming stagnant. The key to growth is to always seek new experiences, but it can sometimes be hard to find a bigger pond. It is scary because it’s the unknown, but it’s beautiful because your standards grow, the possibilities open up, and the people you will meet are more likely to contribute greatly to your life. 

It is normal to feel inadequate or like you don’t belong there. This feeling stems from suddenly not being the big fish anymore, which can hurt your ego. But try to see this feeling as proof that you have much more room to grow into your new pond. This representation of the fish in the pond is what Jason and David experienced as they grow in what they do.

Lesson #2: The Ultimate Failure of Success

The ultimate failure is when you have achieved something and succeeded but experience no feeling of fulfillment. David said, “If you’re not fulfilled, there is nothing in this world that would make you happy” and that always comes down to your purpose, to what drives you to wake up and get the job done. In everything that you do, giving and adding real value to people is what makes you feel fulfilled.

Lesson #3: The Bigger the Challenge, The Faster the Growth

Every failure contains a seed of success. In other words, failure is needed for growth. When you face the biggest challenges in life, take it as a good sign because it means you are in the right place. A lot of new business owners want to have that success but there are only a few who are willing to go through the hardships and the struggles of becoming successful. This is a part of the pattern of every successful entrepreneur. The best thing to do now if you are going to start a business is to have the mindset of not quitting. The “Never Quit” mentality. A company will never go bankrupt unless the Founder/CEO decides to quit, regardless of how bad it is.

One of the biggest dangers that we face today is distraction from paying too much attention to the progress of those around you. We become distracted easily when we hear a lot of voices and try to compare ourselves to others, looking at their journey, and having no confidence in ourselves to do it. Jason’s advice for this is to watch your own road, focus on your own journey, don’t get distracted, and trust yourself that you can persevere.

Watch the Road
— Jason Arriaga

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The Great Opportunity of Taking Risks


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